Leaders in Training (LIt 1 and LIT 2)
The LIT I program is designed for 14-year-olds and offers an introduction to leadership techniques and Camp Counselling. LIT I’s will take place in a variety of activities that will enhance their leadership abilities. Day to day activities include workshops lead by LIT coordinator and other Sr Staff at camp, hands on experiences with campers during their activities and lots of games and activities within the LIT group to improve their communication skills. the program is working on soft skills - building communication skills, organizational skills, and leadership skills... working with the camp counsellors as their mentors to assist them with planning and running small activities in their assigned camp groups. LIT I’s main focus will be on team building, and activities that will encourage them to work together as well understanding as the importance of combining leadership with play/creativity in many settings. They will also attend our weekly trips to Kiwanis Park (a pool and playground area), as well as our large scale trip which varies each week. During these trips they will be assigned either an LIT partner, or a counsellor partner and will have the opportunity to supervise a small group of campers. There are 2, two-week sessions available to choose from at a cost of $400, t-shirt included. Each session is the same, so you only need to pick Session 1 or Session 2.
Session 1: July 7th - 18th, 2025 (Weeks 2&3)
Session 2: August 4th - 15th, 2025 (Weeks 6&7)
The LIT II program is intended for 15-year-olds who have either completed the LIT I program or are eager to improve their leadership skills within a camp environment. The LIT II program is an extensive program that focuses on counselling techniques, and offers the participants more time in counselling groups and working together with the Camp K staff. The LIT II program is more focused on hard skills. They will still be assigned to camp groups with counsellors, but they will be taught in more detail how to run a game/rotation/program and will have multiple opportunities to execute these programs. They will also be in charge of planning and running a large scale game with the other LIT IIs under the assistance of the LIT Coordinator. To work on being more well rounded future counsellors, we will go over how to run rotations such as Canoeing, Arts and Crafts, and Outdoor Survival - which are all skills that are taught to our Explorer Campers. The LIT IIs will also be attending the trips and assisting with supervising groups of campers. There are two, four-week sessions available at a cost of $800, t-shirt included. Each session is the same, so you only need to pick Session 1 or Session 2.
Session 1: June 30th - July 26th, 2025 (Weeks 1-4)
Session 2: July 28th - August 22nd, 2024 (Weeks 5-8)
The LIT program is designed for youth who are very interested in working with children and who would like to get the experience working in a day camp. LIT's are required to do tasks assigned to them by the LIT Coordinator as well as the Directors and Counsellors.
After the completion of these LIT programs, youth are then eligible to apply for a Junior Counsellor position at Camp K. Not all candidates are guaranteed a position, however, we prefer to hire within our LIT graduates.