Critter Program (Ages 5-9)
The Critter program is for children ages 5 to 9 years old (age is calculated based on the child’s age December 31st of this year). We seek to balance play and program, allowing campers a week filled with great fun and experiences.
Daily activities include arts and crafts, group games, nature exploration and outdoor education, paddleboat/canoing, beach play, drama, and science.
Each week, the program is developed on a theme, highlighted with a special guest or field trip.
Hanging out in the bouncy castle!
Each Thursday, Critters hop onto the school busses and venture out into the community (or beyond) to enjoy very engaging field trips such as journeys to The Museum in Kitchener or African Lion Safari in Hamilton. Sometimes we host “trips” on-site where we bring in special guests and other entertainment to Laurel Creek for the campers to enjoy!
Critters have the opportunity to venture away from Laurel Creek and are able to enjoy swimming each week at the Kiwanis Park pool.
Play and exploration
The Critter Program at Camp K hones in on the natural curiosity children have as they gravitate towards an innate desire to explore. Campers will be investigating their world around them through play, creativity and hands on activities.