External Support Workers Package
Supporting a Camper at Camp K
Hello! Our names are Jibby and Baymax and we are the Camp Directors at Camp K for this summer. We are so thrilled that you do what you do, and even happier that you get to come to Camp K!
The Inclusion Program is near and dear to both of us, so we are so excited to work with you.
We have an incredible Inclusion program, but because of that, it gets filled up very quickly and we can only offer one week per camper. Your being here allows our campers to come for multiple weeks of the summer, or at all if they weren’t able to snag a spot in time!
We realize that our camp can be a little intimidating to join when you don’t know what to expect, so we’ve created a little package for you so you know what is going on! The first thing to know is that you will be directly supported by Senior Staff. Our job is to provide you with any guidance, support, relief, and whatever else may be needed throughout the summer. We will do our best to check in with you and your camper. But if you need something and we haven’t connected with you - please connect with any senior staff member and they’d be more than happy to help! We are usually found by the picnic table at the front of the Critter shelter near the staff room, or under the shelter at Explorer. Or you can connect with us by phone/text:
Co-Director: Ailish O’Connor (Baymax) - 226-789-3608
Co-Director: Chloe Fitzgerald (Jibby) - 519-572-3489
Critter Coordinator: Miranda Franco (Flounder) - 226-505-3256
Explorer Coordinator: Reid Wyatt (Dazz) - 519-504-2813
Inclusion Coordinator: Kaitlyn McArthur (Stryker) - 519-504-0922
Depending on the age and developmental level of your camper, you will either be at Critter (ages 5-9) or Explorer (ages 10-13), and placed in a group with 2-3 counselors and approx 20 campers. Please feel free to connect with staff regarding any changes to programming needed to support your camper (adjustments to games etc.) A group specific schedule is located in the table binders with the counsellors. You may use this as well.
Camp Overview
Camp Hours: Camp runs Monday to Friday (except in the case of the August long weekend where camp will begin on the Tuesday) and campers are dropped off between 8:00-9am and picked up between 4-5pm. Please plan to arrive by 8:00 so you will be there when your camper arrives.
What to Bring: Please bring clothing you don’t mind getting dirty and that you can be active in. We are on the move all day long and completely outside. Please also bring with you a water bottle, sunscreen, bathing suit, towel, and your lunch every day.
Lunches and Breaks: Fridge space is available, but limited. We are unable to do coverage for lunch breaks, as we are required to cover breaks for the Inclusion Facilitators and do not have enough staff for additional coverage during the lunch hours. But if you need a break during the day for any reason, connect with a senior staff member and we will do our best to help out as much as we can.
Bathroom Policy:
Campers: We abide by the Rule of Three at Camp K to ensure the safety of everyone at camp. If you need to assist your camper in the bathroom, ask another staff member (most frequently Senior Staff) to come with you into the bathroom and watch the door. Staff and Volunteers cannot be in the bathroom with campers unless it is to aid them and there are two present. As much as possible, we try to hang back by the door.
Staff, LITs and External Workers: If you need to go to the washroom, ensure there is someone who is able to keep an eye on your camper and find a buddy. This buddy does not need to go into the washroom with you, but can stand outside the door to ensure that no campers enter. For additional policies, you may refer to the Staff Manual in the staff room or the Hut at any time. If you and your camper need a more private area to change, you are more than welcome to use the staff room at the Critter Shelter or the Explorer Hut - just ask a senior staff member.
Wednesday: Wednesdays are Wacky Wednesdays at Camp K! Each week has a different theme and on Wednesdays we come to camp dressed up and looking cool. There will be weekly newsletters posted to the website (under the parents tab) which have each week’s campfire snack, Wacky Wednesday theme, and additional information. All staff are encouraged to show up to camp in costume. You are also welcome to come dressed up for the theme, as are the campers, but it is not required.
Wednesdays are also Pizza Day! Campers can pay $2.00/slice for pizza, staff (and you) can pay $1.50/slice. There is a staff signup sheet for pizza and exact change is due when you add your name to the list. Options are cheese or pepperoni.
Thursday: Trip day!!! On Thursdays we will either have a performer/activity come to us, or we will be going on a trip off-site.
The trips for 2024 are:
Week 1: African Lion Safari - Cambridge
Week 2: Bowling and Arcade, Fredricton Bowl
Week 3: The Museum, (Critters), Campout (Explorers)
Week 4: Movies - Landmark Cinemas, Waterloo
Week 5: WonderPhil, On-Site at Laurel Creek
Week 6: Carnival - On-site at Laurel Creek
Week 7: African Lion Safari, Cambridge
Week 8: Earl Haig Waterpark (Critters), King Pin (Cambridge) (Explorers)
Camp Schedules
Critter: Critter runs a typical day camp schedule. There are four Critter groups, divided by a variety of factors (ie. age, siblings, friend requests), and each will complete the same rotations throughout the week. The rotations are each approx 45 minutes/ 1 hour and have a planned activity that will be facilitated by that group’s counsellors. Rotations are: Craft; Living Lab (science experiments); Field Games; canoeing (double rotation); Nature; and Counsellor Planned Time (counsellors will work together to plan an activity to do with their group.)
Specific group schedules are available in the group binders.
Explorer Explorer is a skill based program. Campers rotate through each skill (Canoeing, Creation Station, Survival, Archery) throughout the week. When they are not doing skills, Expos participate in themed activities that are facilitated by the Explorer staff.
There are also opportunities for the counsellors to create their own programming – these are called Kitchen Sink.
Specific group schedules are available in the group binders.